New Direction Youth Transport Services
Even with our experience and the extras that are part of our every day service, our rates remain highly competitive. In fact, we are often still the lowest in the industy. We do this by utelizing the skills of our operations team to get you the best deals on flights and travel possible. In a world where costs are constantly going up, we're proud to keep ours consistent.
Each situation is unique.
Each child is unique.
Different than other companies, at New Directions we have ZERO hidden fees. With every quote, we offer our all inclusive rate (like a travel agent, we book flights for you!) which includes:
Please email us for a personalized, detailed quote for our services
ND Agents work in teams of two or in some cases, groupings to form much larger teams as needed. We feel this is the best way to avoid incident and to insure a safe and secure transport. We are fully dedicated to getting your child to their destination safely. If your child is female, a female agent will always be with her.
This is a great question and one we get asked often as experiences with other agencies are described as “heavy handed”. We believe heavy handidness to be detrimental to children in an already sensitive and difficult situation.
The respect and safety of your child comes first. Our ND Agents are trained to do everything they can to deescalate a situation. They have thouands of hours working with at-risk youth, from all walks of life in all situations.
There are times where restraints may be necessary. These situations comprise a very small percentage of our transports and involve youth attempting to cause self-harm (danger to self, or DTS), or attempting to harm others (danger to others, or DTO). By law, there are also situations where restraints must be used, such as during Juvenile Deliquent Transports from lockdown facility (jail) to lockdown facility.
As a side note, we add: we are often specifically asked by parents to handcuff their youth. However, our same protocol applies and we stand by it. We will not use restraints, unless: DTS, DTO or during a JD transport where restraints are lawfully required.
From the moment custody of a child is signed over to our agents, we consider transport to be an intervention. Maintaining the dignity of your child is paramount and it is completely understandable for them to be upset, angry, confused and/or scared. They are going to feel a range of emotions with our Agents while already going though a difficult period of their lives.
We know, from experience, it is best to be as efficient, patient, and gentle as possible.
We are parents too. Our purpose and focus is to get your child from point A to point B, safely... but we also want them feeling as positive about their next steps, as they possibly can. Having them arrive to their destination in the best possible mindset, is best for ALL.
As protectors of children and youth, their safety and well-being is our everything.
Once New Directions (ND) has begun the transport process, our ND Agents are trained to be within arm’s length of your child until the moment they arrive to the program.
Their training and protocol involve constant monitoring of your child’s emotions, body language, level of anxiety and well-being... throughout the transport.
Giving your child our full attention, as well as using redirection as a tool, is the best preventative.
Our Agents always use best practices; their training is constant, ongoing, and updated to ensure we are performing at our best.
*Please make us aware of any history or tendency to run on their intake form
Our Agents have extensive professional backgrounds working with youth.
Some are Law Enforcement, both state and Federal. Director of one of California’s largest homeless shelters, Search and Rescue, wilderness survival training, CPR, EMT and First Aid certified, security, FBI, Emergency Management, DEA and gold medalists in Brazilian Jui Jitsu World's.
Suffice to say we have some serious training behind us.
Most importantly: every Agent with us truly cares about those we help. Most are parents with similar experiences themselves--and feel this is a way to pay it forward to other parents and children struggling.
Please see our "Services" tab above or click on the word in this answer.
Children and youth, newborn to 18.
We work with specific adults as well.
ND agents are on standby 24 hours a day, 7 day a week. It’s in the best interest of all to make travel arrangements at least 48 hours in advance, for the process go smoothest (and to ensure the best possible savings in airfare.)
However, we understand that this is not always possible.
Most poeple with behavioral disorders or addictions often tell themselves they just don’t have a problem. If you ask them to address their addiction, they will deny having one. Often, they will also excuse their behavior with: “Everyone gets angry once in a while,” “Everyone drinks,” and “Everyone experiments with drugs,” making their life habits seem no different than anyone. They believe they can stop at any time. They don’t need help.
Intervention is often the first step in a sequence of events that can set someone back on a path of self-control and changing their lives. With Youth, this intervention often comes from those closest; parents/guardians. But sometimes even good, close friends, teachers or extended family who truly care.
When it comes to children, youth and teens, the saying "it takes a village..." really does apply. Be someone's village. Help, when you see help is needed.
New Direction transports youth to wilderness, summer camps, therapeutic, residential, hospital and corrections programs globally. We understand the importance of placing your child in a safe environment; if you wish our help with insight regarding schools/programs/facilities, we are happy to offer our experience.
Please see our Packing List, under the Resources tab above.
Typically, once transport begins we do not allow a child to carry technology/devices/phones.
Reasons for this, social media, friends, access to drugs, at risk behavior--often center around devices.
If a parent requests to speak with their child prior to drop off, ND agents will make the call and place it on speaker. If the call becomes detrimental to parents or child, then ND Agents will politely mediate and end the call.
This will be discussed prior to transport, between New Direction and the parent.
Parents will have our main office phone number as well as the cell phone number of the Lead Agent transporting your child.
When possible, Agents will be in contact with parents (usually via text) during your child’s journey. We recommend parents text as well if they need to reach to our agents, if a call needs to be made—please text to set up a convenient time.
In our experience, following this protocol helps avoid further upset to your child. If the parent has not heard from the agent (for instance, agents' cannot use phones during flights and will not use any device if it cannot be used hands free while driving) and need an update, please call the office.
Lead Agent will update parents throughout transport however. And if there are significant travel delays or other issues, parents will be contacted as soon as possible.
Once chain of custody has been tranferred (tranpsort has been completed) the lead agent will call the parents/guardians to let them know how transport went. A report will be written and can be provided at parents' request.
First, it's understandable and also, we expect it. Our Agents prepare for this and are experienced in how they approach your child.
Our goal is to build a rapport with your child based on understanding, interests, commonalities and empathy. Our goal is to deliver them to the program/facility in a better state of mind toward the help they need with which to choose a better path in life. We always anticipate resistance from youth, and parents need to know that some resistance is OK. It’s human. Youth are often struggling with SO many conflicting feelings.
Please rest assurred that in most circumstances, physical reactions or defiance notwithstanding, and proven through the thousands of transports we have performed, by the time we drop your child off at the treatment program/center/school, they are fist-bumping us, shaking hands with or hugging us and thanking us for our time with them. Often, they are tearful that their time with us is at an end, and express hope to be able to reach out one day to talk with us again to let us know how they’re doing.
Side note: we always love hearing from parents down the road with updates. This is an emotional time for all, and we truly do care about you and about “our kids” too. Let us know how you’re doing.
We have incredibly trained, professional people who have protected children through some of the darkest shadows of humanity... but give them a baby and they're marshmallow. They take their job seriously and love all they do, but Littles really do have a way of bringing the light.
Our Agents are truly wonderful with all ages, all abilities. From birth to adulthood. They are as expert in changing diapers as they are navigating airports and a teenager's mind.
We offer a set of noise reduction, over-the-ear headphones for use with their iPad, therapy-on-the-go sessions. We let the youth decide if they want to use them, or talk freely. Either way, due to the proximity of our Agents in keeping your child safe, they may hear at least part of one side of the conversation.
LIke lawyers, or professional Doctors, our Agents have signed a confidentiality agreement. Anything your child says to them along the way, or they overhear, is held in the strictest confidence. Our Agents are experienced in dealing with high levels of confidential information, so continuing to do so with New Direction comes naturally to them.
our agents are put through an extensive background process. We require a full FBI background check, Sexual Predator Registry check, as well as a Nationwide DMV Check.
Prior to selection we also require references related to working with youth. And we check those references, and the people they name, down to the last letter.
Communication is key. Once we receive a case or referral our staff assess and discuss. We choose a team that best fits that child in our care. Whether it's mental health, special needs, corrections or substance abuse intervention... we have qualified staff to be that child's perfect Agent.
As a parent there is a natural amount of guilt in many of the choices we make. Are we making the right ones? What if.
What ifs are really difficult to mitigate until we get to them---if we get to them. But it's ok to plan and look for ways to deal with them. In the event one comes along.
Our Agents are excellent at minimizing trauma even when things are escalated. They are skillful in communicating and seasoned in handling difficult situations with de-escalation. They will talk with your child, and help them work through some of those first feelings in transport so that many times, what could have been an experience of trauma (if a child is transported in silence, not talked with, not interacted with, not listened to--their feelings have no where to process), instead becomes an experience of understanding.
This is why we are so honored to have repeat clients (and so many client referrals! Thank you!). We often will transport to, and then are so delighted to be able to pick up and bring home again.
We require much more than the following for our vetting and hiring process, but each of our Agents have these same skills:
This feature can be added to our transports, as requested only by parents/guardians (or probation as requested through chain of custody.)
We partner with an amazing US company to employ specialized technology which allows parents to check the real-time location of their child through an individualized, secure, private, customized link, while transport is active. When transport is no longer active, the link automatically expires.
This technology complies with all privacy and security laws, and has been successfully used by law enforcment in the US to locate missing children.
Through chain of custody, legal guardianship is given to us while the child is in our care. We take this seriously and as parents/guardians ourselves, want to offer other parents/guardians as much peace of mind as possible.
A bill was recently passed, showing that the US government understands the importance of using advanced technology to keep our vulnerable safe.
If parents do not feel this feature is needed as part of their child's tranport, the technology is not employed.
The FBI reports that there are more than 300,000 children who go missing in/from the United Stated each year
13 is the average age teens start experimenting with drugs
It's estimated that there are 500,000+ online predators active every day. FBI Stats say over 50 percent of the victims of online sexual exploitation are between the ages of 12 and 15.