In our everyday work, we see the best and worst of humanity. Amazing moments of family reunited, made strong in sunlight… followed by moments in the darkest of shadows, in alleys, in basement—where children lay hurt, afraid and kept, instead of safe and protected.
New Direction’s mission statement stems from our name—we believe in changing direction. In positive change. And we strongly believe in affecting that change; in our countries, in our cities, in our neighborhoods as well as in the individuals we meet. If we each become determined to affect positive change around us, we can truly make positive global change.
And that, will always be our hope.
We believe, every Little’s life matters. Our choices, matter. That we, as adults, have a responsibility to be examples in how we live those lives. That we as friends, mothers and fathers, as parents and guardians, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, nieces, nephews and cousins—we believe, it’s our duty to stand for those who cannot stand for themselves.
We with New Direction, strive to defend our defenseless.
We, with New Direction, believe in protecting and respecting every child.
We thank you, for choosing us.
We thank you, for trusting us.
Most of all, thank you for supporting us in all the ways you do as we strive to fight the good fight.
Every. Single. Day.
The Agents of New Direction