New Direction Youth Transport Services
Experienced New Direction Agents will locate at-risk Runaways
We excel in finding those who try not to be found
Using proven techniques
Those streets can be daunting;
both above... and below
Our trained agents are experienced in following even the smallest breadcrumbs, both digital and physical, as well as utilizing a network of contacts and resources, to find missing children and runaways.
Once we have the location on your child you may wish to proceed without our services. Or you may wish to proceed with our services, beginning Transport process.
We will safeguard your child to a hospital/facility/program of your choosing.
New Direction employs some vast talent in the tech world to find information we need in the timeliest way.
When it comes to missing loved ones, every second counts.
Unfortunately, since many children are never reported missing, there is no reliable way to determine the actual number of children missing in the USA.
When a child is reported missing to law enforcement, Federal Law requires that child be entered in the FBI's National Crime Information Center, also known as NCIC.
According to the FBI, in 2021 there were 337,195 missing children in the United States alone.