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Child Trafficking Rescue

New Direction Youth Transport Services

Child Trafficking

Trafficking Rescue is provided through Global Youth Services found at

Break them Free

Trafficking is Slavery

New Direction Youth Transport Services child move rescue trafficking teen missing find family help agent locate best company

Against all odds

Rescue Missions

"For criminals, victims of trafficking are merely a commodity that is used and sold for financial gain. There is a total disregard for human dignity and rights." INTERPOL

Trafficking: An Epidemic

Not in some distant land, far removed from our quiet urban streets; trafficking is an epidemic in our own country, our own cities and towns--it lies in wait in basements beneath the quiet of our neighborhoods. 

Supply and demand: as commodities.

Instead of humans.

Trafficking comes in different forms:

  • Forced Labor
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Organ Harvesting
  • Forced Recruitment
  • Child Marriage
  • Forced Prostitution
  • Debt Bondage

If you know, or suspect, a child is being trafficked, and all else has failed... call us

definition; trafficking/noun: "Child trafficking is the recruitment and or transfer, harbouring or receipt of children for the purposes of exploitation. Trafficking violates their rights and denies children the ability to reach their full potential."

--UNICEF Foundation         

"Human Trafficking is the Crime that shames us all." The United Nations

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